Published on 15 August 2024 at 13:25

Hey, hope this finds you well, and yes this is one of those posts, probably get you wondering, laughing or denying as this seems to be the most average of responses!

Lets take your spirit team, Who are they ? Saint Germain seems to be a popular dude, more so than he himself realises perhaps !! Who else, Master Jesus, then you Annunaki, Pleiadean, Grey and many more. I myself have even sat on a physical seance ,many in fact where entities say they are from beyond our earth, or one of the thousands of exoplanets, Keplar 22B for example.  

We then have probably one of the biggest things that so many dismiss as a coincidence .where 4000 years ago a race of people drew pictures on a wall of people or humanoid forms coming down from the sky, giving them some kind of tool or knowledge, even claiming to be a form of god. While 1000 years earlier another race of people on the other side of the world, some 23000 miles away draw exactly the same images on their wall or on a text, tablet.  So either 5000 years they used google, knew how to sail to the other side of the world or its much more obvious what's been going on!

Aztec, Mayan, Maori and many other cultures going back thousands of year before Christ all claim to have had similar sky people ( E T ) meetings!  But if we take the most recent, Jesus for example who if we follow the scripture ascended to heaven, even that is in many many other systems of belief, more than 53 to be exact.

As humans we are not entirely a 3 core DNA creature, in fact we are more alien than you realise, so when we say Aliens on the spirit team, we really are saying yes, we admit, welcome and work with them!  Many of you know Luther, the banging voice that is one of those who communicate through the trance mediumship I have been given. He himself is multidimensional and some of his stories, past life's and knowledge are just so off world.

Let me leave you with this, What if we are all aliens, we are created and farmed on this planet,over thousands of years with just enough human DNA to appear such, yet it is in our make up to always recreate ourselves, hence the A I ( Artificial Intelligence ) it sin your phone, car and very soon you will able to order your very own home help humanoid robot that walk and talks just like us! 

When you ask me, " What is the spirit team or who are they " but then you freak out when you here from a lady called Avelino or Pitta of the eternal brother hood or the galactic council of 9 ! You may want to first or consider acknowledging and accepting that you re more non human than you realise. 

The biggest challenge, that hardest lesson and the most intense vibration you ill ever meet is your own.